Missing Student


  1. Before action, consider age of the student, mental capacity, emotional state, traffic conditions, weather conditions, proximity from the school, etc.
    “Would _______ please report to the office”.
  3. ASSIGN STAFF to check all school areas and property.
  4. ASSIGN STAFF to check local areas frequented by student (e.g. path of travel, etc).
  5. Gather information on reasons for student's disappearance.
    “If anyone knows anything about the whereabouts of _______ , would they please contact the office”.
  7. Phone parent/guardian or emergency contacts to check whether the student is there.

If the student has still not been located after taking these steps:

  1. CALL 911.

  2. Gather and provide the following information for the Police:
    • Eyewitness information,
    • Student Information (Trillium Student Verification Form),
    • Physical description, clothing and picture,
    • Location last seen, other locations student frequents, and
    • Provide timeline of circumstances and other information requested by police.
  3. Inform Emergency Response Team.
    Director’s Office
    905 641-2929 ext. 54101
  4. Obtain badge and incident number from Niagara Regional Police Services.
  5. Await further instructions from emergency personnel or Emergency Response Team.