- Administrator shall investigate all incidents of assault.
Once preliminary information has been gathered, Administrator must decide if Police contact is appropriate or work with police who are called to the scene.
- Administrator must contact the Parent/Guardian of the student(s) directly involved.
Depending on the nature, extent and seriousness of the event, contact the school Superintendent and the Police.
- Record facts of the incident, observations of any physical evidence.
(bruises, cuts, torn clothing, weapon etc.) and interview any witnesses (staff or students)
- If police have been called, preserve the scene of the altercation (for investigation purposes).
- Complete Violent/Major Incident report in Trillium (if necessary).
- Apply School/Board Disciplinary measures as warranted.
- Contact Health and Safety Department if critical injury has occurred.
- Complete OSBIE-Online Incident Report if an injury has taken place to a student/non-staff.
- Obtain badge and incident number from Niagara Regional Police Service.